Noralabs Scan Let's fight back!
Best-in-class second-opinion malware scanner
Compatible with all known antivirus software find discover and asimalte active zero-hour malware.
Norascan is not any kind of anti-malware product that you can find on the internet.
We difference a lot from the competition.
- The way we scan and interpret bad files.
- The way we verify if a file is malware or not.
- We are not a signature based security product. Although we use signatures we ARE NOT depending on it !
- Wave pattern based malware engine so that you do not have to rely only on signatures
- Cloud verification to rule out false positives and to use the power of multiple users behavior analysis data.
- Watches over that your antivirus is updated and patches are installed to keep you more detected
- We keep you updated with daily reports and alerts such as log details for scans, tasks, and threats, license utilization, and unprotected systems.
- Behavior analysis; to see why I file was on your system, where did it came from, what’s the file doing,….
System Requirements
Windows xp, vista, 7, 8.1, 10 Windows server 2013, 2007, 2012,2016
100mb free memory 50 mb free diskspace